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Bend end your kneels

What is important is not whether you want to bend your kneels and confess that Jesus is the Lord. What is important is that you do it here, before you leave this world and go to His presence. At the end of the day you will have bend your kneels to confess that Jesus is the Lord, but if you have not done so during your life, it will not be of any use.

"So that at the name of Jesus every knee may be bent, of those in heaven and those on earth and those in the underworld, and that every tongue may give witness that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father" Philipians 2:10-11

If you make up your mind, today you are going to meet a SAVIOUR who will receive you with open arms. He will accept you as his son and you will enjoy eternal life beside His presence. But if your pride does not let you take the decision, you will have to confess it before God, not as a Saviour, but as a JUDGE. You will not have any more opportunities. He will condemn you for ever.

It is not a matter of wanting but deciding.

If you decide today, confess your sins and tell Jesus to come to your heart. If you do so, it will be the most important thing in your life, your heart will have peace,  love and joy.


He was the Manager of a company in the Twin Towers. During the terrorist attack some of his colleagues lost their lives.

With a trembling voice he started telling how his workmates have survived the attack. All the stories were simple but with a deep reflection.

He told about one of the member of the company who was alive because ha had walked his child to kindergarten for the first time and that is why he was late.

Another member saved his life because that day he had to buy donuts for breakfast for all his partners in the office.

But the most touching story was the one of a man who put on a pair of new shoes that day.
His car was broken so he decided to walk to work. When he was about to get to his office he stopped as he could not bear the pain in his feet due to the new shoes. He went to a pharmacy to buy something to relieve the pain. Today he is alive because of that.

Now, when I am stuck in a traffic jam, when I have to wait for the lift, or the person I phone does not answer me, I have a different point of view.

I think, right now, I am exactly where God wants me to be.

Bear it in mind and when you think that what happens to you is not fair ...

When you think that things are neither the way you expected or  how they were supposed to be.

When there are obstacles...

Do not complain, have no fear, do not let them overwhelm you, even though things get bad and you have not got a clue of how is going to end up. Stop and think:

Do you think that what happens to you is only by chance?

“Religion only produces changes of costumes in people , but the real transformation takes place in the deepest of the human being”

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