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Whe i truli love myself

When I truly love myself, I will understand, under any circumstance, that what it really matters is to know that you are at the right place, at the right time. When I get that, I will be able to relax and rest.

Today I know that is called: self-esteem

When I truly love myself, I will be able to understand  that my distress and emotional suffering are consequences of going against my own convictions .
Today I know that is called... AUTHENTICITY

When I truly love myself, I will stop wishing other people’s life and I will start looking around myself because everything helps me grow.
Today I know that is called ... MATURITY

When I truly love myself, I will realise how awful it is to force situations or people to do what I want.
Today I know that is called ...RESPECT

When I truly love myself, I will start getting rid of unhealthy stuff ... people, situations and anything that brings me down. At the beginning I thought that feeling was selfishness, but it is not.
Today I know that is called SELF -RESPECT

When I truly love myself, I will stop planning impossible projects and I will start doing the things I like and enjoy
Today I know that is.... SIMPLICITY

When I truly love myself, I will stop wanting to be always right
Today I found out that is  .... HUMBLENESS

When I truly love myself, I will quit reviving the past and getting worried about the future. I will see  that I have to make the most of the present

“When I truly love myself, I will learn how to live”

Más para Leer

Arco Iris






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