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Healt check

I went to the clinic of the lord Jesus to get a routine checkup. I felt well, but to my surprise, I was diagnosed with some problems of spiritual health. 

When Jesus took my blood pressure I was low on tenderness. By taking my temperature, the thermometer registered 105 of anxiety. 
I did an ECG and was told I would need a bypass of love, because my arteries were blocked by loneliness and were not supplying my heart.
He checked my legs and arms, as they could not walk beside my neighbor and could not give a brotherly embrace because I had done harm to them by becoming envious. 
I also found that I had myopia that could not see beyond the negative things my neighbor had.

When I told him that I could not hear well, Jesus, diagnosed me as having the problem that I had ceased to hear his voice every day. 

Therefore, Jesus gave me these instructions: Upon getting up, while fasting, drink a glass of gratitude... Before coming to work, take a tablespoon of patience... 
Every hour, take a spoonful of peace and a few drops of meekness ... on reaching home, to inject a dose of love...

And before bed, take two capsules of repentance to cleanse my conscience... 

"Do not be depressed, or discouraged, by what you are going through today. God knows exactly how you feel, follow His will and purpose and have a heart full of joy”

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Respuesta de Dios




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