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Pray to god you need him

When a difficulty or serious problem arises, the first thing we do is to go everywhere seeking help, we spend our time asking for advice and the only thing we get is to be even more confused.

We will get to a situation in which we will ask ourselves which of all the pieces of advice to follow.

There is somebody who knows everything that is going on with you and who knows the way out. He asks something very simple from you: “Trust, Patience, Faith”, you know who I mean, yes, that person is God!

It is difficult to believe in Him. But He is the only one who can help us, when the sea of our life becomes stormy.

It is very simple, tell the Lord all your problems and ask him for a way out, perhaps the solution does not come immediately, but relax, whatever that is, from that moment onwards, it will be up to Him and, unexpectedly, you will smile again.

He may let us get through a difficult situation in order to wake up from our apathy or from a situation in which we have not given God the right place.
God says: “For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the entire earth, to strengthen those whose heart is true to him”2 Chronicles 16:8

The expression “ range throughout the entire earth” means that God knows everything that goes on in our heart every single minute.
May God help us to trust Him for everything and all the time!

"When we get through a difficult situation, no matter how hard it is, we should go to our God and Father immediately.  He loves us and wishes to help us"

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Thomas Edison


Padres e hijos




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